The cold weather months are going to be here before you know it, and the last thing you want to do is find that your furnace is not in the good working condition it was when you turned it off in the spring. If you haven't done anything to maintain or prepare your furnace, that's exactly what could happen to you. You don't want to be left in the cold at the start of a cold snap, as your home's temperature can drop drastically and fast, leaving your pipes exposed to the elements and the possibility of a disaster on your hands. Read on for a few things you should know to help prepare you so this doesn't happen to you.
Check Your Furnace Ahead of the Cold Weather
Don't turn on your furnace on that first cold day, you should check that it is working properly long before that cold weather actually hits. You should check that your furnace is in good working order at the start of fall, before it gets cold, just to be sure it is actually turning on and off as it should. It may sound silly to turn on your furnace when it's still above 60 degrees outside, but you'll be happy you did if you do end up with a problem. It's best to know ahead of time, rather than in the middle of a cold day/night.
Call a Professional Out Before the Start of Winter
Call a professional HVAC technician to take a look at your furnace and troubleshoot it for problems before the cold weather comes, as it may be a long wait if you wait to call someone. Cold weather days are some of the busiest days for an HVAC service company, so don't wait too long, or you'll be on a waiting list and have to wait days for someone to even just look at your furnace. Call ahead of time and get it repaired before it's too late. Calling ahead can also ensure that you have the parts needed for the repair. If your unit is old, it may take some time to find the parts needed.
Change Your Air Filter and Clean the Unit
You should also be doing your own part in getting your system ready for winter. Clean your furnace before you turn it on for the season, and change the air filters as well. Doing this can help ensure your furnace will work properly for a much longer time.
Don't be left out in the cold this winter, test your furnace ahead of the cold weather and call an HVAC contractor to service your furnace.