20 November 2020
Your home's central air conditioning system may seem like a little bit of a mystery. In fact, many homeowners are misinformed about a lot of things when it comes to home AC service needs. Here's a look at a few things that you should know about your home's air conditioning to help you avoid some potentially costly issues. You Don't Need The Biggest Possible System When shopping for a new air conditioning system, many homeowners fall into the "
22 October 2020
Replacing an air conditioning system costs thousands of dollars, so it is no surprise that the majority of homeowners want their air conditioner to last for as long as possible. While all air conditioners will eventually fail due to age and wear and tear, there are measures that you can take that can add years to your air conditioner's lifespan. The good news is the fact that the steps to make you air conditioning system last longer are not difficult or costly.
18 September 2020
Air conditioning systems can be complicated enough that there is a range of problems and issues that they can experience. In order to prevent these issues from severely reducing the comfort inside your home or the performance of the system, repairs will need to be administered promptly when issues with the system start to arise. Freezing Coils And Vents An air conditioning system will need a series of coils and vents for the heat exchange process.
18 August 2020
Remodeling a bathroom in your home can be a fun and exciting project. However, a complete bathroom remodel is not inexpensive, so it is important that everything is done right. A lot of homeowners contemplate a DIY approach or think about hiring a handyman to undertake the plumbing projects associated with a full bathroom remodel. In almost all cases, doing either of these things is not a good idea. Your best bet is to hire an experienced, licensed plumbing contractor to complete all the plumbing tasks that must be done when completely remodeling a bathroom.
31 July 2020
What are the benefits of a professional home air conditioning installation? Before you google DIY options, take a look at the top reasons to hire a contractor for this home AC service. You Need Help to Choose the Right Model Which air conditioner is right for your home and your family's needs? Whether this is your first experience with air conditioning services or you're just not sure of which type of AC unit to choose, a professional can help.
16 July 2020
In the hottest months of the summer, even great air conditioners can struggle to tackle the heat. Most residential air conditioners are designed to drop the temperature by about 20 degrees. (Try to make sure you're adjusting your temperature with the outside heat, or you could burn out the motor or do other damage to your AC unit.) You do know, however, that not getting enough cooling done is potentially a sign of when your air conditioner might need some work done, right?
16 July 2020
As the owner of a mobile home, you will be just as concerned about staying cool and comfortable at home than anyone else. Having a Central AC system installed in your mobile home is a viable option, but many falsehoods surround the idea. Here is a look at some of the more common falsehoodsand the real truths you should know. False: You can't install a central AC system in a mobile home.
12 June 2020
When the heating system in your home stops working unexpectedly, there are some things you can do to get it running again. If the problem is severe enough, you may need to call a heating system repair company to fix the problem. 1. Check Your Breakers Before you call the heating repair company, check the breakers in the electrical panel of your home and make sure the one for your heating system is on.
27 May 2020
What are the top summer-time AC services? If you're a first-time homeowner or new to central AC use, take a look at the most common reasons to call an HVAC contractor for air conditioning services during the warm weather months. Refrigerant Retrofit Does your AC system use HCFC-22 refrigerant? The United States no longer allows the production of this older refrigerant product. The environmentally unfriendly product is known to deplete the Earth's ozone layer.
4 May 2020
When you turn on the air conditioner, you expect to hear the normal noises, such as a whoosh or a hum. However, when air conditioners break or start to fail, one of the first signs is often an unusual noise. Clicks and whirs that have always been part of the unit are no cause for alarm. However, when you start hearing the following sounds, you may need to call for AC repairs.