pure air in your home

  • Getting A New AC In Your Old Home? 3 Things To Consider

    12 July 2018

    When temperatures go up, your air conditioning system is an integral part of keeping your home comfortable. A working air conditioner is a must in many parts of the country. However, it's important to note that even the best-maintained air conditioners do not last forever. Eventually, you will need a replacement. Replacing your air conditioning system can be a challenge, especially if you have an older home. Here are three things to consider when replacing the air conditioning in your old home.

  • Signs Of HVAC Problems

    6 June 2018

    When you have an HVAC system in your home, it is the responsible thing to learn the signs that you may want to have someone come out to look at it soon. If you have no idea what some of the red flags of potential problems are, then you may end up letting things go too long that you shouldn't have and this can lead to bigger and more expensive problems down the line.

  • Get Ready For Spring - Maintenance Tips For Your Furnace

    22 April 2018

    Your furnace is probably being used less and less these days with warmer weather coming in. Soon you won't need the furnace at all, and will be turning on the air conditioner instead. Simply turning off the furnace and forgetting about it isn't the best idea. You should do some maintenance work to your furnace after shutting it off for the season. Read on for some maintenance tips that can lengthen the life of your furnace.

  • How To Check Your AC System

    13 March 2018

    Does it seem like your air-conditioner is not producing as much cold air as it should? If you have noticed a reduction in productivity, there might be a few things you can do before you call an HVAC professional. Admittedly, most severe air conditioning problems will need to be fixed by licensed professionals, but there are often a few simple things that homeowners can do on their own. This article explains two things you should check and fix yourself if it seems like your AC system is not as productive as it should be.

  • Tips For Labeling Electrical Panels

    26 January 2018

    Labeling electrical panels is a great way of avoiding confusion and enhancing your house's electrical safety. You need to label if your panel isn't properly labeled or if you suspect some mislabeling. Here are some tips to help you with the labeling project. Get Someone to Help Don't get this wrong, you don't need another person to label the panel, but the job will progress much faster and efficient if you have a helper.

  • Parent with Alzheimer's Moving In? Benefits of Your Air Conditioning System Running Properly

    8 December 2017

    If your parent has Alzheimer's and it is time for them to leave their home, offering your home to them is a good choice. To make your home comfortable you need to make sure your air conditioning system is working properly. This will not only help your parent be comfortable but can also make your home a safer place for them to live in. Below are some benefits of keeping the air conditioning system running properly, as well as tips on what you can do to keep it running well.

  • 4 Tips For Maintaining Your Commercial Walk-In Freezer

    1 October 2017

    Maintenance is very important for restaurants and other businesses that make use of walk-freezers. Keeping to a maintenance schedule can help keep your walk-in freezer in good condition while preventing many of the more common malfunctions that can occur. Here are a few tips that anyone can and should do to maintain their walk-in coolers, refrigerators, or freezers. 1. Monitor the Performance of Your Walk-In Freezer At the very least, you should keep an eye on the temperature in your freezer.